Urban now provides an electronic copy of your Revenue Statements on a secure website called EnergyLink. This easy to use system is free and will allow you to access, manage, and print your Revenue Payments online.
If you are registered with EnergyLink, you should see your Revenue Payments automatically under your login.
If you do not have an EnergyLink Login, please follow the instructions below or view the EnergyLink - Demo video to setup an EnergyLink account.
- Go to our website https://www.urbanoilandgas.com/owner-login
- Click New to EnergyLink? Sign Up Here.
- You will need the following information ready when you register:
- Document Type: Revenue
- Name of Operator
- Your Urban Owner Number
- Check / ACH Month (A single month to be use for verification)
- Check / ACH Amount
- Valid email address
- Once you have setup your account with EnergyLink, you will be notified by email when a new documents are ready to be viewed.
If you need assistance from EnergyLink:
Click on the "Contact Us" button and their new chatbot, will assist in finding the answers to the most frequently asked questions; if you cannot find the answers, you will be redirected to their web form.