Urban mails checks on the 25th of the month or the next business day when the 25th falls on a holiday. Please allow 15 business days from the date of the check for the USPS to deliver your check. If 15 business days have passed, please complete the attached Lost Check Affidavit and return to Urban:
Urban Oil and Gas Group, LLC |
Attn: Revenue Department |
1000 E 14th Street, Suite 300 |
Plano, TX 75074 |
Email: do@urbanoilandgas.com |
Funds from your expired, lost, or stolen check will be added to your next royalty payment. A separate check will not be reissued. Please allow up to 60 days for your Lost Check Affidavit to be processed.
If your check is over 90 days old, it will not be honored. Urban is not responsible for any fees you may incur from your bank by attempting to present a Stale Dated Check for payment.
Urban Oil and Gas also offers Direct Deposit, which helps to mitigate lost, expired, or stolen checks. If you wish to sign up for this program, please also complete and return the Direct Deposit Form along with a Voided Check.